Sunday, February 19, 2006

Traditional vs. Modern Italians Butt Heads A Lot Lately

I've seen a lot of news lately about producers in all areas of Italy butting heads over traditional vs. modern styles. For the geek in you, it's an interesting fight. I come up on the traditional side 99% of the time, but I've also had wines in the modern style (a brunello comes to mind) that I thought were very well done. Kinda like this: I'm not a Jerry Bruckheimer movie fan, with all the expensive explosions and predictable plot lines, but that doesn't mean I don't come across an action movie that satisfies (The Long Kiss Goodnight comes to mind).

I read these struggles of style, and even as I'm afraid they're indicative of an irreversible trend towards the fat, plush, New World model, I also see that there are plenty of people who love tradition, and that maybe, as the world's interest in wine increases, the market will bear both styles.

Here's an article from the NY Times that's typical of what's going on. For a preview, my favorite quote:

Mr. Soldera points to the wine, the color of polished rubies, and assails those who assess a wine by the depth of color. "Judging wine by a dark color is for stupid people," he said. "This is the color of sangiovese. You should be able to look through the wine and see your fingernail on the other side."

Sorry to those who gotta sign in to read it, but it's worth it.



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