Monday, December 12, 2005

The Cork and Demon's Western Wine Tour 2006

As you may have read already, I'm hitting the road. I'm taking my blog on a journey west from South Texas in search of as many unsung, low-production, just hatched and best-kept-secret wineries on the route up the Pacific Coast to Vancouver. I'm doing this because I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I can always come back to town and get the kind of job I had before; and this road trip might open better opportunites for me as I meet people. I will hone my writing skills. I will learn as much as can be crammed into my head about American appellations. Most of all, I will learn to trust myself.

The Departure date for this journey is March 1st, 2006, and considering how much I have to do between now and then, that's no time at all.

I have two blogs; really two halves of the same blog, that I'll use to chronicle my journey. Here's a summary of the content of each:

The Cork and Demon: As I approach my trip, I'll be reviewing wines, restaurants and so forth as usual. When I get on the road in March, this will be my place to post all my wine reviews, short interviews, info on the wineries and wine bars/shops I visit, and photos.

Cocktails with The Noonday Demon
: On the way to my departure date, this blog is my more personal account of the trials and tribs of making the trip a reality. On the road, it's my repository for non-wine related observations, lessons learned, and judgemental commentary on other drivers.

Do YOU know of an unsung winery, wine bar or wine shop in NM, AZ, CA, OR, WA, or British Columbia? Drop me a line and let me know!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can show you around Santa Barbara County. You'll want to spend several days here. You can email me at: sbwineguy(at)

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of excellent places to eat and drink in Oregon. Feel free to e-mail me at Oenophile at

11:20 AM  
Blogger s'kat said...

Sounds like exciting times are truly ahead! Looking forward to your discoveries.

2:03 PM  

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